Loving Kindness Meditation Day

Loving Kindness Meditation Day

Loving Kindness Meditation Day

with Katie O’Connell

Katie O'Connell
Katie O’Connell

When: July 21st, 2018, 9.30am – 5.00pm
Where: Lhasa Meditation Room, Killarney, Co. Kerry

During this day we will explore how the practices of meditation, mindfulness-based compassion training and loving kindness can connect us to a deeper and wiser aspect of our being. We will learn how the skilful practice of loving-kindness and its application can assist us in developing self-compassion, thus healing and enhancing our relationship to self and to others. Through cultivating loving awareness and kindness we can develop our interpersonal skills and our intra-personal interactions with others.

The day will include presentations, guided meditation and visualisations with group interaction.

Price: 60 euros

Click here to contact Katie to secure booking.

Spaces limited!

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