Feedback from Mindful Meditation: Embracing Change in our Lives

Feedback from Mindful Meditation: Embracing Change in our Lives


I have received some excellent testimonials from attendees of the recent Embracing Change in our Lives course held here at Lhasa Meditation Room.  A huge thank you to all who attended and added greatly to the day.

“This was an extremely well co-ordinated day outlining the practical aspects of meditation. Two very gentle voices in extremely beneficial surroundings…mountains, greenery plus sunshine today. Food was excellent and in abundance.” – Helen

“It was a really beautiful day, very well delivered by both Katie and Susan. I really benefited from the meditation sessions and the discussions that followed and especially enjoyed the “loving-kindness” session. It was an excellent day.” – Bridget


“This was an excellent day and proof of mindful hosts. I found the reference to all the “little deaths” most helpful.” – Carmel

“Very well organised day and I found the loving-kindness practice the most beneficial.” – Margaret

“All of the sessions were excellent; I loved every bit of it. This was very well organised and am hoping to get more of these sessions in the near future. Susan and Katie are excellent facilitators. Well done.”

– Carole

“You are such generous and hospitable people Katie and Susan. You were so willing to share everything with us and it was so easy to fit in with all the events over the whole day. It was truly a well organised day and I loved every minute of it.” – Ena

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